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Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 35(2): 159-165, abr.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126303


Resumen Introducción: el dolor abdominal crónico es frecuente en consulta externa. El enfoque tradicional es investigar patologías viscerales. El 50 % de esos pacientes finalmente tiene dolor crónico de la pared abdominal (DCPA), generalmente secundario a atrapamiento del nervio cutáneo anterior. Esta entidad se identifica con el signo de Carnett. El tratamiento de elección es infiltrar con lidocaína los puntos dolorosos. Con una postinfiltración hay una mejoría significativa en el 85 %-90 % de los pacientes. Se desconoce la duración de la mejoría postinfiltración. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar la respuesta sostenida en seguimientos a 1 y 2 años. Materiales y métodos: estudio de cohorte, retrospectivo, realizado en la unidad de gastroenterología de la Clínica Fundadores. Se incluyeron pacientes adultos mayores de 18 años que hubieran recibido tratamiento con inyección local con lidocaína al 2 % sin epinefrina y que hubieran respondido una encuesta telefónica para evaluar la intensidad del dolor en una escala análoga. Resultados: se identificaron 360 elegibles y, finalmente, atendieron la entrevista telefónica 324 pacientes (90 %). El 87 % era de sexo femenino. La edad promedio de la población era de 57 años. En la preinfiltración el dolor promedio era 8,7 puntos. En la postinfiltración los pacientes tuvieron una mejoría con una intensidad promedio de 2,38 (p < 0,05). En el 71 % de los pacientes la intensidad del dolor en el seguimiento hasta 2 años tuvo una intensidad promedio de 1,65 (p < 0,05), que representa una mejoría del 81 % en la intensidad (p = 0,001). La fibromialgia tuvo una asociación positiva con la mejoría sostenida del dolor (p = 0,008). Conclusiones: en los pacientes con DCPA, la infiltración de la pared con anestesia local produce una respuesta sostenida hasta 2 años después del tratamiento.

Abstract Introduction: Chronic abdominal pain is frequently encountered at outpatient clinics where the traditional approach is to investigate visceral pathologies. Fifty percent of these patients are finally found to have abdominal wall pain which is generally secondary to entrapment of the anterior cutaneous nerve. This entity is identified by Carnett's sign. The treatment of choice is to infiltrate the painful points with lidocaine following which there is significant improvement in 85% to 90% of these patients. The duration of post-infiltration improvement is unknown. The objective of this work is to determine sustained response in one and two-year follow-up examinations. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study conducted in the gastroenterology unit of the Clínica Fundadores. We included adult patients over 18 years of age who had received local injection treatment with 2% lidocaine without epinephrine and who had answered a telephone survey to assess the intensity of pain on an analogous scale. Results: Of the 360 eligible patients identified, 324 patients (90%) were interviewed by telephone. The average age of those interviewed was 57 years, and 87% were women. The average pain level prior to infiltration was 8.7 points. Following infiltration, the average intensity was 2.38 points (p <0.05). In 71% of patients, average pain intensity at a two year follow-up examination was 1.65 points (p <0.05), an 81% improvement in intensity (p = 0.001). Fibromyalgia had a positive association with sustained improvement in pain (p = 0.008). Conclusions: Infiltration of the abdominal wall with a local anesthetic produces a sustained response for up to two years in patients with chronic abdominal wall pain.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Infiltration-Percolation , Surveys and Questionnaires , Cohort Studies , Abdominal Wall , Chronic Pain , Anesthesia, Local , Patients , Therapeutics
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 26(1): 9-16, ene-mar 2020. tab, fig, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1120366


El dolor asociado a heridas complejas se erige como una gran barrera para la resolución de estas, debido a la complejidad de abordaje y a la imposibilidad de establecer un patrón de algoritmo por diversos factores y su carácter heterogéneo, así como por la presencia de manifestaciones múltiples asociadas. Este dolor provoca al paciente un daño no solo físico sino también psicosocial, porque la escasa respuesta a los tratamientos habituales, y si bien es sensible a la medicación con opiáceos, los resultados son insufi cientes a largo plazo en un significativo número de pacientes, en quienes provoca además efectos no deseables. Se establece en el presente trabajo la administración subcutánea de dextrosa 5% a través de una técnica de infiltración perineural para el tratamiento de la infl amación neurogénica responsable del mencionado padecimiento, en las terminaciones libres de los nervios sensitivos cutáneos. Para ello se decidió realizar un estudio descriptivo multicéntrico a partir de junio del 2016 hasta mayo del 2017 en 60 pacientes que presentaban dolor crónico en ulceras de miembro inferior de diferente etiología con antecedente de medicación analgésica previa con resultado parcial (no controlado) y que tuviera evolución de su dolor entre 3 meses y 4 años.

The pain associated with complex wounds is established as a great barrier for the irresolution, due to the complexity of the approach and the impossibility of establishing an algorithm pattern due to various factors and their heterogeneous nature, as well as the presence of associated multiple manifestations. . This pain causes not only physical but psychosocial damage to the patient, because of the poor response to the usual treatments, and although it is sensitive to medication with opiates, the results are insufficient in the long-term in a significant number of patients, in whom it also causes undesirable effects. The present work establishes the subcutaneous administration of 5% dextrose through a perineural infi ltration technique for the treatment of the neurogenic inflammation responsible for the afore mentioned condition, in the free terminations of the cutaneous sensory nerves. For this, it was decided to carry out a multicenter descriptive study from June 2016 to May 2017 in 60 patients who presented chronic pain in lower limb ulcers of different etiology with a history of previous analgesic medication with partial (uncontrolled) outcome and had evolution of your pain between 3 months and 4 years.

Humans , Male , Female , Ulcer/therapy , Wound Healing , Infiltration-Percolation , Lower Extremity/injuries , Chronic Pain/diagnosis , Prolotherapy/methods
Rev. argent. mastología ; 38(140): 34-47, dic. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116266


Introducción Los cánceres de mama Triple Negativo representan entre el 12 y el 17% de todos los carcinomas mamarios. Son un grupo heterogéneo con diferentes subgrupos. La reacción inflamatoria que produce el huésped como respuesta a la enfermedad puede cuantificarse a través de la infiltración linfocitaria intratumoral (tils). Objetivos Evaluar la infiltración linfocitaria intratumoral (tils) como factor pronóstico independiente en las core biopsias de las pacientes con cáncer de mama Triple Negativo que fueron sometidas a quimioterapias neoadyuvantes. Relacionarla con la respuesta patológica obtenida luego de la cirugía. Material y método Se seleccionaron retrospectivamente pacientes con carcinoma de mama Triple Negativo que realizaron quimioterapia neoadyuvante en la Unidadde Mastología de la Clínica Breast y en el Hospital Italiano de la Ciudad de La Plata entre los años 2014 y 2017. Se obtuvo una muestra de 36 pacientes. Resultados Sobre un total de 36 pacientes, 24 mostraron tils estromales menores al 50% y 12 mayores o iguales al 50%. El 16,7% de los tumores con tils menores al 50% y la mitad de los tumores con tils mayores o iguales al 50% presentaron una Respuesta Patológica Completa (rpc) post tratamiento quimioterápico neoadyuvante. En relación con los tils intratumorales, 6 tumores de 32 con tils menores al 50% (18,8%) y 4 de 4 (100%) con tils > o iguales al 50% presentaron una Respuesta Patológica Completa (rpc) post tratamiento quimioterápico neoadyuvante. Conclusiones En nuestra serie de casos, observamos que existe relación entre el porcentaje de tils y la respuesta patológica obtenida luego de la realización del tratamiento con quimioterapia neoadyuvante, siendo un factor pronóstico en las pacientes con cáncer de mama Triple Negativo

Introduction Triple Negative breast cancers account for between 12 and 17% of all breast carcinomas. They are a heterogeneous group with different subgroups. The inflammatory reaction produced by the host in response to the disease can be quantified through intratumoral lymphocyte infiltration (tils). Objectives To evaluate intratumoral lymphocyte infiltration (tils), as an independent prognostic factor, in the core biopsies of patients with Triple Negative breast cancer who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapies. To relate it to the pathological response obtained after surgery. Materials and method Patients with Triple Negative breast carcinoma who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the Mastology Unit of the Breast Clinic and the Italian Hospital of La Plata were retrospectively selected between the years 2014 and 2017. A sample of 36 patients was obtained. Results Out of a total of 36 patients, 24 showed stromal tils less than 50% and 12 greater than or equal to 50%. 16.7% of tumours with tils less than 50% and half of tumours with tils greater than or equal to 50% presented a complete pathological response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy treatment. In relation to intratumoral tils, 6 tumors of 32 with tils less than 50% (18.8%) and 4 of 4 (100%) with tils > or equal to 50% presented a complete pathological response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy treatment. Conclusions In our series of cases, we observe that there is a relationship between the percentage of tils and the pathological response obtained after treatment with neoadjuvant chemotherapy, being a prognostic factor in patients with triple negative breast cancer

Breast Neoplasms , Infiltration-Percolation , Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms
Rev. Eugenio Espejo ; 13(2): 62-70, 20191202.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048531


La leucemia es una neoplásica hemática que contiene múltiples subtipos, entre ellos la leucemia promielocítica aguda, caracterizada por la multiplicación clonal del linaje mieloide y eritroide. El presente caso pertenece a un paciente masculino de 20 años, sin antecedentes de importancia y con un cuadro evolutivo de 20 días con sangrado del dedo anular de la mano derecha, y con ausencia de proceso cicatricial. A partir de los exámenes de laboratorio se identifica bicitopénia eritroide y plaquetaria, con evidencia de un 93% de promielocitos. El tratamiento con ATO, ATRA y Antraciclinas logró una leve mejoría. Durante su estadía hospitalaria desarrolló síndrome de diferenciación, lo que ocasionó su fallecimiento.

Leukemia is a hematic neoplastic that contains multiple subtypes, including acute promyelocytic leukemia, characterized by the clonal multiplication of the myeloid and erythroid lineage. The present case belongs to a 20-year-old male patient without health history of importance and with a 20-day evolutionary picture with bleeding from the ring finger of his right hand, and without scarring process. Erythroid and platelet bicytopenia is identified from laboratory tests with evidence of 93% promyelocytes. The treatment including ATO, ATRA and Anthracyclines achieved a slight improvement. He developed differentiation syndrome during hospitalization, which caused his death.

Humans , Male , Adult , Leukemia, Promyelocytic, Acute , Granulocyte Precursor Cells , Hematology , Bone Marrow , Leukemia , Infiltration-Percolation
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 8(3): e173, 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1087901


El tratamiento de las patologías discales y degenerativas que afectan a las articulaciones interfacetarias de la columna vertebral representan entre ambas más del 95% de los objetivos curativos en esta área del cuerpo, en razón de esto, esta investigación evalúa los efectos de los factores de crecimiento ozonizados en pacientes con diagnóstico de síndrome facetario lumbar, así como también, valorar la intensidad del dolor en el síndrome facetario, determinando el grado de movilidad articular previo y posteriora la infiltración. Métodos: la presente investigación se considera un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo, con un diseño es preexperimental, en pacientes que acudieron a la consulta de terapia del dolor del Hospital Dr. Pedro García Clara, en Ciudad Ojeda, estado Zulia-Venezuela. Los resultados se expresaron como valores absolutos, en porcentajes, media ± desviación estándar (M±DE), analizando las diferencias de los resultados mediante la prueba "t" de Student, cuando fueron aplicables, tomando un valor de p<0.05. Resultados: se evidencia, que los factores de crecimiento ozonizados infiltrados en los pacientes con diagnóstico de síndrome facetario lumbar, tienen efectos clínicos significativos, en cuanto a la disminución de la intensidad del dolor y el aumento del grado de movilidad articular. Conclusiones: el uso del plasma rico ozonizado es una técnica efectiva para disminuir la intensidad del dolor cuando es utilizado en el síndrome facetario ya que permite una aumento significativo de los grados de movilidad articulares de la columna lumbar (flexión, extensión e inclinación. Es una técnica sencilla, eficaz, económica y con efectos adversos mínimos(AU)

The treatment of the disc and degenerative pathologies that affect the interfaceative joints of the spine represent between them more than 95% of the healing objectives in this area of the body, because of this, this research evaluates the effects of the growth factors Ozonized in patients with a diagnosis of lumbar facet syndrome, as well as assessing the intensity of pain in facet syndrome, determining the degree of joint mobility before and after infiltration. Methods: the present investigation is considered a descriptive and prospective study, with a pre-experimental design, in patients who attended the pain therapy consultation of the Dr. Pedro García Clara Hospital, in Ciudad Ojeda, Zulia-Venezuela state. thee results were expressed as absolute values, in percentages, mean ± standard deviation (M ± SD), analyzing the differences of the results by means of the Student "t" test, whenapplicable, taking a value of p <0.05. Results: it is evidenced that infiltrated ozonized growth factors in patients with a diagnosis of lumbar facet syndrome, have significant clinical effects, in terms of the decrease in pain intensity and the increase in the degree of joint mobility. Conclusions: the use of ozonated rich plasma is an effective technique to reduce the intensity of pain when used in facet syndrome because it allows a significant increase in the degrees of joint mobility of the lumbar spine (flexion, extension and tilt.) It is a simple, effective technique, economic and with minimal adverse effects(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Low Back Pain/pathology , Low Back Pain/drug therapy , Chronic Pain/therapy , Lumbar Vertebrae/injuries , Infiltration-Percolation/adverse effects , Prospective Studies
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 33(3): 399-403, jul.-set. 2018. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-965606


Os autores descrevem as alterações histológicas no músculo grande dorsal submetido à expansão após relaxamento com toxina botulínica e as possíveis correlações dos achados com os benefícios práticos como, por exemplo, aumento da complacência muscular e melhor acomodação da prótese. Foi empregado o modelo experimental, com dez ratas com peso médio de 300 g, mesma faixa etária, da cepa Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) e o músculo grande dorsal. Biópsias musculares foram feitas antes e após as expansões, no músculo normal, no grupo controle (apenas com expansores) e no grupo com expansores e toxina botulínica. Expansores de 3 centímetros cúbicos eram posicionados abaixo do músculo e expandidos com 0,3 mililitros de soro fisiológico semanalmente, por 10 semanas. Os cortes histológicos foram corados segundo as técnicas de Hematoxilina-eosina, para avaliação geral, e tricrômio de Masson para avaliação do tecido conjuntivo. As fibras musculares submetidas à expansão sob a ação da toxina botulínica apresentaram focos de fibrose e proliferação de vasos sanguíneos menos intensos que no grupo sem toxina botulínica e a diminuição do número de fibras musculares e a atrofia eram menores que no grupo que não utilizou a toxina. Os achados nos permitem presumir que a expansão muscular associada ao relaxamento com toxina botulínica preserva as características da musculatura esquelética, oferecendo melhor acomodação e proteção da prótese e facilitando a dinâmica da expansão, além de diminuir a dor.

The authors describe histological changes in the latissimus dorsi muscle submitted to expansion after relaxation with botulinum toxin. The possible practical benefits include increased muscle compliance and better accommodation of a prosthesis. The experimental model involved 10 Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) of the same age, with average weight of 300 g. Muscle biopsies before and after expansion were performed in normal muscle, in a control group (with expanders alone), and in a group with expanders and botulinum toxin. Expanders measuring 3 cm3 were positioned below the muscle and expanded with 0.3 ml of saline weekly, for 10 weeks. Histological sections were stained using hematoxylin-eosin for general evaluation and Masson's trichrome for evaluation of connective tissue. The muscle fibers submitted to expansion under the action of botulinum toxin showed less fibrosis and less intense proliferation of blood vessels than in the group without botulinum toxin, and the atrophy and reduction in the number of muscle fibers were less prominent than in the group that did not receive botulinum toxin. The findings suggest that muscle expansion associated with botulinum toxin relaxation preserves skeletal muscle characteristics by providing better accommodation and protection for a prosthesis and facilitating expansion dynamics; this method may also reduce pain.

Humans , Animals , Tissue Expansion/methods , Histological Techniques/methods , Back Muscles/anatomy & histology , Back Muscles/surgery , Infiltration-Percolation , Rats, Wistar , Botulinum Toxins, Type A
Oncología (Guayaquil) ; 28(2): 138-149, Ago. 30, 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1000125


Introducción: El síndrome del músculo piramidal constituye el conjunto de signos y síntomas originados por la compresión del nervio ciático en su salida de la pelvis a través del canal situado entre el músculo piramidal y el gémino superior. Se presenta una serie de casos de pacientes oncológicos con este síndrome con el objetivo de describir el resultado terapéutico de la infiltración con esteroides en el músculo piramidal sin hidrodisección perineural del ciático. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo de 10 casos, evaluados entre Febrero de 2014 y Mayo del 2015, en el servicio de dolor y cuidados paliativos del Instituto Oncológico Nacional "Dr. Juan Tanca Marengo"-Solca-Guayaquil. Ingresaron al estudio pacientes con cáncer de cualquier etiología y criterios diagnósticos de síndrome piramidal. Los pacientes fueron tratados con infiltraciones de corticoides sin hidrodisección perineural del ciático, dirigidas por ultrasonido del músculo piramidal afecto y terapia física. Resultados: Se incluyen 10 casos de pacientes con síndrome piramidal (9 mujeres). Con rangos de edad que entre 50 y 70 años. El lado afectado con mayor frecuencia fue el derecho en 5 casos. En 8 casos la Resonancia magnética fue normal y en 2 casos se describió hipertrofia muscular. El procedimiento de infiltración se realizó sin complicaciones y los pacientes recibieron adicionalmente fisioterapia. El EVA inicial fue > 6 en 8 pacientes y 2 casos con EVA de 5. Los pacientes tuvieron una limitación funcional de un 10-20 %. El EVA postbloqueo disminuyó hasta 0-1 en todos los casos. Conclusión: En la presente serie de casos el síndrome piramidal fue controlado satisfactoriamente con infiltración de esteroides sin hidrodisección perineural del ciático y terapia física.

Introduction: Pyramidal muscle syndrome is a signs and symptoms set caused by sciatic nerve compression and its exit from the pelvis through the channel between the pyramidal muscle and the superior genus. We present a series of cases of oncological patients with this syndrome with the aim of describing the therapeutic result of steroid infiltration in the pyramidal muscle without perineural hydrodissection of the sciatic nerve. Methods: A prospective study of 10 cases, evaluated between February 2014 and May 2015, in the pain and palliative care service of the National Oncological Institute "Dr. Juan Tanca Marengo "-SolcaGuayaquil. Patients with cancer of any etiology and diagnostic criteria of pyramidal syndrome entered the study. The patients were treated with corticosteroid infiltrations without perineural hydrodissection of the sciatic nerve, directed by pyramid-shaped muscle ultrasound and physical therapy. Results: Ten cases of patients with pyramidal syndrome (9 women) are included. With age ranges between 50 and 70 years. The most affected side was the right in 5 cases. In 8 cases the magnetic resonance was normal and in 2 cases muscle hypertrophy was described. The infiltration procedure was completed without complications and the patients received additional physiotherapy. The initial EVA was> 6 in 8 patients and 2 cases with VAS of 5. The patients had a functional limitation of 10-20%. The post-blocking EVA decreased to 0-1 in all cases. Conclusion: In the present series of cases the pyramidal syndrome was successfully controlled with steroid infiltration without perineural hydrodissection of the sciatic and physical therapy.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Sciatica , Infiltration-Percolation , Piriformis Muscle Syndrome , Pain , Ultrasonography, Interventional , Neoplasms
Rev. chil. reumatol ; 34(2): 66-72, 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254087


El síndrome de canal carpiano es una patología frecuente. Si bien el diagnóstico es clínico, la ecografía cumple un rol en caso de duda diagnóstica y como apoyo a proce-dimientos intervencionales.Existen variables anatómicas y distancias de estructuras vasculares útiles de conocer antes de planear un gesto quirúrgico o de infiltración para disminuir el riesgo de lesiones secundarias, en donde la ecografía podría tener un rol.Estudiamos una muestra de 267 ecografías de muñeca con especial hincapié en va-riantes neurogénicas, vasculares o tendinosas que podrían resultar lesionadas en relación a algún procedimiento.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a frequent pathology. Although the diagnosis is clinical, ultrasound plays a role in case of diagnostic doubt and as support and guide for inter-ventional procedures.There are anatomical variants and distances of vascular structures that may be useful to know before planning a surgical or infiltration procedure to reduce the risk of iat-rogenic injuries, where ultrasound could play a role.We studied a sample of 267 wrists ultrasounds with special emphasis on neurogenic, vascular or tendinous variants that could be injured in relation to procedures.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/surgery , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Interventional/methods , Median Nerve/anatomy & histology , Median Nerve/diagnostic imaging , Infiltration-Percolation , Chile , Median Nerve/surgery
São Paulo; s.n; 2017. 312 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-868170


É conveniente que as políticas ambientais municipais contem não apenas com os instrumentos previstos na legislação federal, mas também com instrumentos urbanístico-ambientais a serem inseridos na legislação de parcelamento, uso e ocupação do solo. Assim, objetivou-se neste trabalho desenvolver um tal instrumento. Para tanto, estabeleceu-se: a) requisitos do instrumento: simplicidade, flexibilidade e embasamento teórico; b) objetivos ambientais considerados: promoção da qualidade ecossistêmica, melhoria do microclima e promoção do controle de drenagem na fonte; c) desenvolvimento de métricas: para os dois primeiros objetivos ambientais, demonstrou-se teoricamente ser satisfatório como indicador único uma simplificação do conceito de ecoexergia devido a Jørgensen e, para o último objetivo ambiental, o pico da vazão de saída do lote; d) estabelecimento de padrões: para os dois primeiros objetivos, definição de valores mínimos da ecoexergia simplificada para lotes em diferentes locais e com diferentes usos e taxas de ocupação, enquanto para o último objetivo, impacto zero. Coincidentemente, enquanto esse instrumento era desenvolvido a Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo (Brasil) procedia a uma revisão da lei de parcelamento, uso e ocupação do solo, tendo sido aceito que o instrumento teórico acima servisse como base para o desenvolvimento de um novo instrumento denominado Quota Ambiental (QA). A transformação do instrumento teórico acima na Quota Ambiental, que terminou por ser inserida no projeto de lei encaminhado à Câmara Municipal e depois aprovado por ela, foi objeto de um estudo sui generis, visto que o autor participou ativamente do desenvolvimento da QA como servidor público. Tal demandaria um método a meio caminho entre o estudo de caso e a observação participante, tendo-se optado por um método análogo ao fenomenológico Para o desenvolvimento da QA foi formado um pequeno grupo de trabalho do qual o autor participou. O instrumento teórico recebeu diversas modificações não só para conformação a diretrizes e decisões políticas, como para amadurecimento de conceitos e cálculos, mostrando-se viável como base para o desenvolvimento da QA. Diversos grupos de interesse influenciaram o desenvolvimento da QA em diferentes fases e em diferentes níveis, chegando a ocorrer de eles se manifestarem diretamente junto ao grupo de trabalho. A Superior Administração prestigiou o processo, mas mostrou-se às vezes dividida em relação ao conflito entre aspectos ambientais e sociais. O grupo teve sucesso em potencializar os ganhos decorrentes da complementaridade de expertises decorrentes da heterogeneidade em termos de formação e experiência dos membros do grupo. Ele procurou harmonizar as diferentes pressões, muitas vezes até se antecipando a elas. Para tanto, o grupo de trabalho desenvolveu uma dinâmica para chegar a consensos internos e para prever, internalizar e posicionar-se frente a pressões, frequentemente conflitantes. As pressões mais severas provieram da própria burocracia municipal. Em todos esses processos a simplicidade, como requisito, foi perdendo-se. A Quota Ambiental mostrou-se um instrumento inovador, aparentando dar satisfação aos reclamos de diversos grupos de interesse e, principalmente, representando uma cunha ambiental inserida na legislação de parcelamento, uso e ocupação do solo

It is appropriate that municipal environmental policies incorporate not only the instruments provided for in federal legislation, but also the urban-environmental instruments to be inserted in the urban legislation. Thus, it was aimed in this work to develop such an instrument. To do so, it was established the following: a) requirements of the instrument: simplicity, flexibility and theoretical background; b) environmental objectives considered: promotion of ecosystem quality, improvement of microclimate and promotion of drainage control at source; c) development of metrics: a simplification of the concept of eco-exergy due to Jørgensen has been theoretically proven to be satisfactory as a single indicator of the first two environmental objectives; for the last environmental objective, the lot peak output flow; d) establishment of legal standards: for the first two objectives, definition of minimum values of simplified eco-exergy for lots in different locations and with different uses and occupation rates, whereas for the last objective, zero impact. Coincidentally, while this instrument was being developed, the City of São Paulo (Brazil) proceeded to a review of the zoning law, thus being accepted that the above theoretical instrument should serve as the basis for the development of a new instrument called Environmental Quota (Quota Ambiental, QA, in Portuguese). The transformation of the above theoretical instrument into the QA, which ended up being inserted in the bill forwarded to the City Council and later approved by it, was the subject of a sui generis study, as the author participated actively in the development of QA as a public servant. This would require a method halfway between the case study and the participant observation. A method analogous to the phenomenological one was chosen. A small working group in which the author participated was formed for the development of QA. The theoretical instrument received several modifications not only to conform to political guidelines and decisions, but to maturation of concepts and calculations as well, proving feasible as a basis for the development of QA. Several special interest groups influenced the development of QA in different phases and at different levels; it even occurred to interest groups to directly sue the working group. The High Administration supported the process, but it became sometimes divided in relation to the conflict between environmental and social aspects. The group succeeded in enhancing the gains derived from the complementarity of skills resulting from the heterogeneity in terms of training and experience of the working group members. It sought to harmonize the different pressures, often even foreseeing them. To this end, the working group has developed a dynamic to reach internal consensus and to anticipate, internalize and position itself in the face of frequently conflicting pressures. The most severe pressures came from the municipal bureaucracy itself. In all these processes simplicity, as a requirement, was lost. The Environmental Quota proved to be an innovative instrument, appearing to satisfy the demands of various interest groups and, mainly, representing an environmental wedge inserted in the zoning law

City Planning , Climate Change , Entropy , Municipal Environmental Policy , Soil Permeability , Ecology , Ecosystem , Environment and Public Health , Green Areas , Infiltration-Percolation Ditches , Microclimate , Percolation , Water Reservoirs , Surface Runoff , Infiltration-Percolation , Urban Area , Water Cycle , Zoning
Coluna/Columna ; 15(3): 219-221, July-Sept. 2016. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-795007


ABSTRACT Objectives: To investigate the effect and complications after transforaminal injection for cervicobrachialgia caused by cervical disc herniation. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all patients undergoing fluoroscopy-guided transforaminal injection for radiculopathy caused by cervical disc herniation. During the last seven years, 57 patients (39 female, 18 male, mean age 45.6 years) experiencing cervical radiculopathy underwent cervical foraminal block guided by fluoroscopy by postero-lateral approach. The position of the needle was verified after injection of a small amount of contrast. A glucocorticosteroid was injected after 0.5 ml of 2% lidocaine. Results: The local with the highest prevalence of procedures was C6 root (31 procedures); 14 patients underwent C7 block, 7 had C5 block, and 5 in C4. Eight patients (14%) had complications (3 syncopes, 3 transient hoarseness, one patient had worsening of symptoms and one patient had soft tissue hematoma). In total, 42.1% were asymptomatic after the procedure and therefore did not require surgery after the procedure. Other 57.9% had transient improvement, became asymptomatic for at least 2 months but required surgery due to the recurrence of symptoms. Conclusion: Cervical foraminal block for cervical disc herniation is a safe way to avoid surgery. Some patients still need surgery after the procedure, but the temporary improvement in symptoms gives the patient some relief while awaiting surgery.

RESUMO Objetivos: Investigar o efeito e as complicações depois de infiltração transforaminal para cervicobraquialgia causada por hérnia de disco cervical. Métodos: Foram analisados retrospectivamente todos os pacientes submetidos à infiltração transforaminal guiada por fluoroscopia para radiculopatia causada por hérnia de disco cervical. Durante os últimos sete anos, 57 pacientes (39 do sexo feminino, 18 do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 45,6 anos) com radiculopatia cervical foram submetidos a bloqueio foraminal cervical guiado por fluoroscopia por abordagem póstero-lateral. Verificou-se a posição da agulha após injeção de uma pequena quantidade de contraste. Um glicocorticosteroide foi injetado depois de 0,5 ml de lidocaína a 2%. Resultados: O local com maior prevalência de procedimentos foi a raiz de C6 (31 procedimentos); 14 pacientes foram submetidos a bloqueios de C7, 7 pacientes de C5 e 5 pacientes de C4. Oito pacientes (14%) apresentaram complicações (3 síncopes, 3 pacientes apresentaram rouquidão transitória, um paciente teve piora dos sintomas e um paciente evoluiu com hematoma de partes moles). Do total, 42,1% tornaram-se assintomáticos e, portanto, não necessitaram tratamento cirúrgico após o procedimento. Outros 57,9% tiveram melhora transitória, tornaram-se assintomáticos por no mínimo 2 meses, mas necessitaram cirurgia pelo retorno dos sintomas. Conclusão: O bloqueio radicular para hérnia de disco cervical é uma maneira segura de evitar cirurgia. Alguns pacientes ainda precisam de cirurgia após o procedimento; no entanto, a melhora transitória dos sintomas viabiliza uma espera menos sintomática para o paciente até a realização da cirurgia.

RESUMEN Objetivos: Investigar el efecto y las complicaciones después de la infiltración transforaminal para la cervicobraquialgia causada por hernia de disco cervical. Métodos: Se revisaron retrospectivamente todos los pacientes sometidos a la infiltración transforaminal guiada por fluoroscopia para radiculopatía causada por hernia de disco cervical. Durante los últimos siete años, 57 pacientes (39 mujeres, 18 hombres, edad media 45,6 años) con radiculopatía cervical fueron sometidos a bloqueo foraminal cervical guiado por fluoroscopia mediante abordaje posterolateral. La posición de la aguja se observó después de la inyección de una pequeña cantidad de contraste. Un glucocorticosteroide fue inyectado después de 0,5 ml de lidocaína al 2%. Resultados: El sitio de prevalencia más alta de procedimientos fue la raíz de C6 (31 procedimientos); 14 pacientes fueron sometidos a bloqueos de C7, 7 pacientes de C5 y 5 pacientes de C4. Ocho pacientes (14%) tuvieron complicaciones (3 síncopas, 3 pacientes presentaron ronquera transitoria, un paciente presentó empeoramiento de los síntomas y un paciente tuvo hematoma de tejidos blandos). Del total, el 42,1% eran asintomáticos y por lo tanto, no requirieron tratamiento quirúrgico después del procedimiento. Los otros 57,9% tuvieron una mejoría transitoria, convirtiéndose en asintomáticos durante al menos dos meses, sin embargo, requirieron cirugía debido a la recurrencia de los síntomas. Conclusión: El bloqueo de la raíz para la hernia de disco cervical es una forma segura de evitar la cirugía. Algunos pacientes todavía necesitan cirugía después del procedimiento; sin embargo, la mejoría transitoria de los síntomas permite un tiempo de espera menos sintomático antes de la realización de la cirugía.

Humans , Infiltration-Percolation/adverse effects , Intervertebral Disc Displacement , Neck Pain , Nerve Block
Cienc. tecnol. salud ; 3(1): 17-26, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-868823


En la región volcánica con superficie boscosa la recarga hídrica es importante, y este trabajo pretende realizarun análisis sobre el cálculo de la recarga en estas áreas. La investigación fue ejecutada en la cuenca del río LosOcotes en la ciudad de Guatemala y cubre una superficie de 63.6 km2. En este trabajo se realizó un balance hídricodel suelo para estimar la recarga hídrica al acuífero. Existen un conjunto de procedimientos para estimar la distribución entre las entradas como lluvia y las salidas a través de la evapotranspiración, el escurrimiento superficial y la recarga subterránea. Durante los años 2009 y 2010, se hicieron registros meteorológicos y se definieron áreas con distinto uso de la tierra, lo cual se integró a un sistema de información geográfica (SIG) y se comparó con el mapa geomorfológico a escala 1:50,000 para elaborar el mapa de recarga de la cuenca con los datos calculados. Los sectores cultivados mostraron una menor infiltración y por lo tanto una menor recarga que en los sectores donde el bosque se encuentra en estado natural. La protección de las zonas de bosque como principal área de aporte a las reservas de agua subterránea, son fundamentales para los procesos de gestión y planificación territorial.

In the volcanic region with forest area hydric recharge is important, and paper presents an analysis of the rechargeevaluation applied to these areas. The research was conducted in Los Ocotes river basin in GuatemalaCity and extends over a surface of 63.6 km2. In this work, an hydric balance in the soil was realized for estimatedthe aquifer recharge. There is a set of procedures aimed at estimating the distribution between inputs or rain andoutputs through evapotranspiration, surface run of and groundwater recharge. In 2009 and 2010 were carried meteorological records and areas with different territorial occupation have been defined, this was integrated toGeographical Information System (GIS) and the geomorphic map was compared to 1:50,000 scale, for the rechargemap of the basin was drawn with the data estimate. The cultured sectors showed a smaller infiltration and therefore a smaller recharge than in the sectors where the wood is in its natural state. The protection of the areas of natural wood a main contributing area to the ground water reserves represents a fundamental aspect for the managementprocesses and territorial planning.

Humans , Animals , Hydrologic Balance , Evapotranspiration , Infiltration-Percolation , Rain , Soil
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 31(1): 136-139, jan.-mar. 2016. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1540


O número de frequentadores de academia que utilizam injeções de substâncias oleosas para aumentar o volume muscular artificialmente, buscando, com essa prática, uma melhora cosmética dos músculos que não responderiam aos treinamentos, vem aumentando. Apesar dos efeitos imediatos e dos bons resultados estéticos como aumento de volume ou modificação do contorno de várias áreas do corpo, a infiltração de óleo pode levar a diversas complicações a curto e longo prazo, que muitas vezes são irreversíveis. A conscientização e atuação das entidades de classes médicas e sanitárias tornam-se fundamentais na profilaxia e controle deste problema. Neste artigo revisamos as complicações e ainda relatamos o caso de um paciente com complicações locais importantes secundárias a injeção de óleo.

The number of gym goers who self-inject oily substances to increase muscle volume artificially and thereby improve the aesthetic appearance of their muscles that are unresponsive to training is increasing. Although immediate effects and satisfactory aesthetic results such as increased volume or changes in the contour of several areas of the body might be observed, oil infiltration might cause several short- and long-term complications, which are often irreversible. The awareness and actions of medical and health professional societies are fundamental for the prevention and control of this problem. In this article, possible complications are reviewed, and the case of a patient with severe local complications caused by oil injection is reported.

Humans , Male , Adult , History, 21st Century , Case Reports , Mineral Oil , Infiltration-Percolation , Review , Chemical Compounds , Disease Prevention , Drugs on Basis of Vitamins and Minerals , Injections , Mineral Oil/therapeutic use , Infiltration-Percolation/methods , Chemical Compounds/adverse effects , Chemical Compounds/methods , Injections/instrumentation
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 31(1): 82-87, jan.-mar. 2016. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536


INTRODUÇÃO: Dermatofibrossarcoma protuberante é um tumor de pele raro e de malignidade intermediária, com baixo potencial metastático, mas altas taxas de recorrência após tratamento cirúrgico. Por apresentar eventual semelhança clínica com cicatrizes hipertróficas e queloides, o diagnóstico correto mostra-se fundamental para o sucesso do tratamento. O objetivo do presente trabalho é fazer um alerta e relatar quatro casos de dermatofibrossarcoma protuberante erroneamente diagnosticados como queloide e tratados alhures com infiltração de acetonido de triancinolona. MÉTODO: Entre novembro de 1983 e janeiro de 2008, foram atendidos quatro pacientes com dermatofibrossarcoma protuberante que tinham sido submetidos alhures a infiltrações intralesionais de acetonido de triancinolona, em virtude de diagnóstico errôneo de queloide. Nos quatro casos, foram realizadas excisões cirúrgicas radicais, com remoção de 3 cm de tecido sadio nas margens laterais, incluindo-se, na margem profunda, uma estrutura anatômica não infiltrada pelo tumor. Os pacientes receberam avaliação médica periódica em longo prazo. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes foram acompanhados por uma média de 159 meses. Três pacientes (75%) permaneceram vivos, sem sinais de doença em atividade. Um paciente (25%) faleceu devido à doença, após tentativa de remover o avançado tumor recorrente, por meio de extensa cirurgia craniofacial. A recidiva ocorreu sete anos após a operação radical. CONCLUSÃO: Dermatofibrossarcoma protuberante deve ser considerado no diagnóstico diferencial dos queloides. A infiltração intralesional de acetonido de triancinolona só deverá ser realizada após diagnóstico de certeza, que pode demandar exame anatomopatológico prévio. Um exame clínico cuidadoso e o conhecimento da lesão favorecem um diagnóstico preciso e, portanto, um tratamento adequado.

INTRODUCTION: Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans is a rare skin tumor with intermediate malignancy, low metastatic potential, and high recurrence rates after surgical treatment. Owing to a possible clinical resemblance with hypertrophic scars and keloids, the correct diagnosis is fundamental for treatment success. The objective of the present work is to report on four cases of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans misdiagnosed as keloid and treated elsewhere with infiltration of triamcinolone acetonide. METHOD: Between November 1983 and January 2008, four patients with dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans who had undergone intralesional infiltration with triamcinolone acetonide elsewhere were treated because of an erroneous diagnosis of keloid. Radical surgical excision was performed, and 3 cm of healthy tissue was removed from the side margins, including the deep margin, an anatomical structure not infiltrated by the tumor. The patients underwent long-term periodic medical evaluations. RESULTS: The patients were followed-up for an average of 159 months. Three patients (75%) are still alive without signs of disease at the time of this report. One patient (25%) died of the disease after an attempt to remove the advanced recurrent tumor using extensive craniofacial surgery. Recurrence occurred 7 years after the radical operation. CONCLUSION: Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans must be considered in the differential diagnosis of keloids. Intralesional infiltration with triamcinolone acetonide should only be performed after diagnostic confirmation , which may require pathological examination. A careful clinical examination and knowledge of the lesion favor a precise diagnosis and an appropriate treatment.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , History, 21st Century , Skin , Skin Neoplasms , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Triamcinolone Acetonide , Infiltration-Percolation , Retrospective Studies , Dermatofibrosarcoma , Fibrosarcoma , Keloid , Skin/anatomy & histology , Skin/pathology , Skin Neoplasms/surgery , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Surgical Procedures, Operative/methods , Triamcinolone Acetonide/standards , Triamcinolone Acetonide/therapeutic use , Triamcinolone Acetonide/pharmacology , Infiltration-Percolation/methods , Dermatofibrosarcoma/surgery , Dermatofibrosarcoma/pathology , Fibrosarcoma/surgery , Fibrosarcoma/pathology , Fibrosarcoma/therapy , Keloid/surgery , Keloid/therapy
Rev. bras. ortop ; 50(5): 601-606, set.-out. 2015. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-766242


O cisto ósseo aneurismático tem uma incidência de 0,14 a cada 100 mil indivíduos. O subtipo parosteal é o menos prevalente, representa 7% de todos. Apresentamos um paciente mas culino, 38 anos, com dor e abaulamento em braço direito havia oito meses. Diagnosticado previamente como tumor de células gigantes, teve sua lâmina revisada e então foi feito o diagnóstico de cisto ósseo aneurismático parosteal. O paciente foi tratado com infiltração intralesional de corticosteroide e calcitonina e evoluiu com melhoria clínica e radiológica já nas primeiras cinco semanas pós-operatórias.

The incidence of aneurysmal bone cysts is 0.14 cases per 100,000 individuals. Parosteal aneurysmal bone cysts are the least prevalent subtype and represent 7% of all aneurysmal bone cysts. We present the case of a 38-year-old male patient with pain and bulging in his right arm for eight months. He had previously been diagnosed as presenting giant-cell tumor, but his slides were reviewed and his condition was then diagnosed as parosteal aneurysmal bone cyst. The patient was treated with corticosteroid and calcitonin infiltration into the lesion and evolved with clinical and radiological improvement within the first five weeks after the operation.

Humans , Male , Adult , Adrenal Cortex Hormones , Bone Cysts, Aneurysmal , Calcitonin , Infiltration-Percolation
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 80(2): 126-135, abr. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-747533


OBJETIVO: Comparar la efectividad analgésica de la infiltración con Bupivacaína de la incisión de Pfannens-tiel respecto a un placebo para la analgesia posoperatoria de gestantes llevadas a cesárea segmentaria en el Hospital "Dr. Adolfo Pons" de Maracaibo, estado Zulia, Venezuela. MÉTODOS: Investigación comparativa y aplicada, con diseño cuasi-experimental, de casos y controles, contemporáneo y de campo, donde se incluyeron 60 gestantes planificadas para cesárea segmentaria electiva, divididas aleatoriamente en dos grupos pareados para infiltrarles la incisión de Pfannenstiel con 30 mL de Bupivacaína al 0,25% (75 mg) o solución salina. La intensidad del dolor se evaluó mediante la escala visual análoga (EVA). RESULTADOS: En cuanto a la intensidad del dolor, tanto en reposo como en movimiento, se encontraron diferencias altamente significativas a favor del grupo que recibió la infiltración incisional con Bupivacaína durante las primeras seis horas del postoperatorio (p<0,001); posterior a las 8 horas del posoperatorio no hubo diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos evaluados. De igual manera, estas pacientes presentaron un mayor tiempo libre de dolor, que sobrepasaba las 4 horas (251 ± 14 minutos vs. 220 ± 11 minutos; p<0,001), menores requerimientos analgésicos (199,37 ± 0,15 mg vs. 298,04 ± 1,96 mg; p<0,001) y con menos efectos adversos (p<0,05). CONCLUSIÓN: La infiltración de la incisión de Pfannenstiel es efectiva para la analgesia postoperatoria de la cesárea segmentaria, prolongado el tiempo libre de dolor y disminuyendo los requerimientos de analgésicos.

AIM: To compare the analgesic effectiveness of Pfannenstiel incision infiltration with bupivacaine over a placebo for post-operative analgesia in cesarean section in pregnants attending at the Hospital "Dr. Adolfo Pons" in Maracaibo, Zulia state, Venezuela. METHODS: A comparative and applied research, with quasi-experimental, case-control, contemporary and field design, which included 60 pregnant women scheduled for elective cesarean section, divided randomly into two groups matched for Pfannestiel incision infiltration with 30 mL Bupivacaine 0.25% (75 mg) or saline solution. Pain intensity was assessed by visual analog scale (VAS). RESULTS: In terms of pain intensity at rest and in motion, were found highly significant differences in favor of the group receiving the incisional infiltration with bupivacaine during the first six hours after surgery (p<0.001); not later than 8 hours after surgery where in all measurements, were found no significant differences between the two tested groups. Similarly, these patients had higher pain free time, surpassing the 4 hours (251 ± 14 minutes vs. 220 ± 11 minutes; p<0.001), lower analgesic requirements (199.37 ± 0.15 mg vs. 298.04 ± 1.96 mg; p<0.001) and fewer adverse effects (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The infiltration of the Pfannenstiel incision is effective for postoperative analgesia in cesarean section, prolonged pain-free time and decreasing analgesic requirements.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Young Adult , Bupivacaine/administration & dosage , Cesarean Section/methods , Anesthetics, Local/administration & dosage , Pain/prevention & control , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Bupivacaine/adverse effects , Comparative Study , Case-Control Studies , Infiltration-Percolation , Cesarean Section/adverse effects , Visual Analog Scale , Abdomen/surgery , Analgesia , Anesthetics, Local/adverse effects
Cambios rev. méd ; Vol. 13(23): 36-39, ene. 2015. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1007259


Objetivo: el estudio de la biopsia de la médula ósea tiene como objetivo el diagnosticar los problemas que existen con los diversos tipos de células sanguíneas, con el fin de realizar un tratamiento y obtener un pronóstico adecuados; en el tiempo este exámen ha ido ampliándose y junto con el aspirado ayudan a la evaluación de patologías como anemia, trombocitopenia, linfomas, leucemias, tumores metastáticos, síndromes mieloproliferativos entre otros. Materiales y métodos: estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y con diseño transversal. Se analizaron 450 muestras obtenidas desde enero a diciembre del 2013 para evaluar las distintas patologías que se presentan frecuentemente en nuestro hospital, de acuerdo a edad y sexo. Resultados: de los 450 casos receptados, analizados y reportados en el 2013; 236 muestras fueron negativas; 27 fueron muestras insuficientes e inadecuadas y 187 fueron positivas para lesiones benignas, borderline y malignas. La mayor parte de lesiones fueron más en hombres y en edades comprendidas entre 40 y 69 años. Las lesiones benignas más frecuentes fue la Hipoplasia y dentro de las lesiones malignas la infiltración linfocitica de inmunofenotipo B, la misma que se corroboró con estudio de Inmunohistoquimica. Conclusión: se determina que de los estudios realizados, la patología que con mayor frecuencia afecta a los pacientes del Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín, sometidos a biopsia de médula ósea en el año 2013 es la Infiltración de estirpe linfoide con biopsy has become important for the treatment and prognosis of diseases. Inmunofenotipo B. De ahí que el estudio de biopsia de médula ósea se ha tornado importante para el tratamiento y pronóstico de las diferentes patologías hematológicas y metastásicas.

Objective: the study of bone marrow biopsy aims to diagnose the problems that exist with the different types of blood cells, with the aim of treatment and obtain an acertive prognosis, with time this test has become popular and together with the aspirate helps with the evaluation of diseases such as anemia, trombocitopenia, leucemias, lymphomas among others, myeloproliferative syndromes, and metastatic tumors. Materials and methods: a retrospective descriptive study with cross-sectional design was used to analyze 450 samples obtained from january to december of 2013 in order to evaluate the different pathologies that arise frequently in our hospital, profiled by age and sex. Results: of the 450 analyzed cases and reported in the 2013; 236 samples were negative; 27 were insufficient and inadequate samples, 187 were positive for benign lesions, borderline or malignant. Most of the lesions were in men aged between 40 and 69 years; Hypoplasia was amongst the most benign lesions and among the malignant lesions was the Immune B Lymphocytic Infiltration, which was corroborated with inmunohistochemical staining. Conclusion: this study determines that the disease which most often affects patients of the Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín undergoing bone marrow biopsy in the year 2013 was lineage with Immune B lymphoid infiltration. Hence the study of bone marrow biopsy has become important for the treatment and prognosis of diseases.

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Pathology , Biopsy , Bone Marrow , Immunohistochemistry , Precursor Cells, B-Lymphoid , Hematology , Body Weight , Bone and Bones , Infiltration-Percolation , Hematopoietic System , Ilium
Rev. bras. odontol ; 71(2): 139-143, Jul.-Dez. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-766100


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a infiltração coronária em canais obturados com AH Plus e MTA FILLAPEX. Trinta pré-molares unirradiculados foram divididos aleatoriamente em 2 grupos (n = 15) de acordo com o cimento obturador utilizado: G1: MTA FILLAPEX e G2: AH Plus. O teste de infiltração do corante nanquim foi conduzido sob pressão de 60 KPa, por 8 min. Após diafanização, foi avaliada a penetração do corante nos terços radiculares. Houve infiltração em 8 e 7 amostras dos G1 e G2, respectivamente. Em nenhuma amostra do G2, o corante atingiu o terço apical. Em quatro amostras do G1, o corante foi visualizado no terço apical. O AH Plus demonstrou uma qualidade de selamento superior ao MTA FILLAPEX.

The aim of this study was evaluate the coronal leakage in root canals filled with AH Plus and MTA FILLAPEX. Thirty single-rooted premolars were randomly divided into two experimental groups (n = 15) according to the sealer used: G1: MTA FILLAPEX and G2: AH Plus. The dye leakage test ink was conducted under pressure of 60 kPa for 8 min. After diaphanization, the dye penetration was evaluated by root thirds. Results: Eight samples form G1 and seven samples from G2 showed infiltration. In any sample from G2, the dye reached the apical third. In four samples from G1, the dye was visualized in the apical third. The AH Plus showed a superior sealing quality of the MTA FILLAPEX.

Root Canal Obturation , Bicuspid , Infiltration-Percolation , Dental Leakage , Dental Pulp Cavity
Rev. Hosp. El Cruce ; (16): 12-15, 20140415.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-948084


Los leiomiomas uterinos son frecuentes, afectando entre el 20-30% de las mujeres mayores de 35 años. Raramente pueden adoptar la modalidad de leiomiomatosis intravenosa (LIV). Este proceso tumoral es histológicamente benigno y deriva del músculo liso de la pared uterina o de sus estructuras vasculares. Se define como un tumor mesenquimal, de células musculares lisas, que invade las venas miométricas pudiéndose extender distancias variables a través de las venas de órganos contiguos y de los plexos venosos de la pelvis mayor, infiltrar la vena cava inferior y llegar incluso a las cavidades cardíacas. En el presente trabajo presentaremos un caso de infiltración cardíaca por LIV.

Uterine Neoplasms , Infiltration-Percolation , Leiomyomatosis , Leiomyoma , Myoma
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 43(1): 42-51, ene.-mar. 2014. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-721300


INTRODUCCIÓN: estudios demuestran que más del 40 % de los pacientes sufren dolor en el posoperatorio inmediato, y tres de cada cuatro lo experimentan los dos primeros días. OBJETIVO: evaluar la efectividad de la farmacopuntura con tramadol en la prevención del dolor posoperatorio en pacientes operados de hernia inguinal. MÉTODOS: estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, aleatorio y controlado a 60 pacientes operados de manera electiva de herniorrafia inguinal en el Hospital Militar Central "Dr. Carlos J. Finlay" en el período de septiembre de 2010 a septiembre de 2011. Se conformaron dos grupos de igual cantidad de pacientes: grupo F (estudio) en el que se aplicó farmacopuntura con tramadol 12,5 mg en los puntos del meridiano de estómago (E36, E44) y anestesia regional subaracnoidea, y el grupo C (control) en el que se empleó tramadol 100 mg por vía intramuscular e igual método anestésico. Se evaluó el dolor posoperatorio, según criterios del paciente por ubicación en la escala análoga visual. RESULTADOS: predominó el sexo masculino y el rango de más de 60 años de edad. Los pacientes que recibieron el método de anestesia-analgesia y farmacopuntura presentaron mayor grado de analgesia posoperatoria con ausencia completa de dolor en 60 %, con menor cantidad de náuseas y vómitos posoperatorios y una excelente estabilidad hemodinámica. CONCLUSIONES: la farmacopuntura con tramadol constituye un método terapéutico analgésico en la prevención del dolor posoperatorio.

INTRODUCTION: studies have shown that over 40 % of patients suffer from pain in the immediate postoperative period, and three out of every four during the first two days. OBJECTIVE: evaluate the effectiveness of pharmacopuncture with tramadol to prevent postoperative pain in patients undergoing surgery for inguinal hernia. METHODS: a prospective descriptive randomized controlled study was conducted of 60 patients electively operated on for inguinal hernia at Dr. Carlos J. Finlay Central Military Hospital from September 2010 to September 2011. Patients were divided into two equal groups: Group F (study) received pharmacopuncture with tramadol 12.5 mg at stomach meridian acupoints (E36, E44) and regional subarachnoid anaesthesia, and Group C (control) received intramuscular tramadol 100 mg and the same anaesthetic procedure. Postoperative pain was ranked on the visual analog scale based on criteria provided by patients. RESULTS: there was a predominance of the male sex and the over-60 age group. Patients receiving anaesthesia-analgesia and pharmacopuncture showed greater postoperative analgesia, with total absence of pain in 60 %, less postoperative nausea and vomiting, and excellent hemodynamic stability. CONCLUSIONS: pharmacopuncture with tramadol constitutes an analgesic therapeutic method to prevent postoperative pain.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Pain, Postoperative/therapy , Acupuncture Analgesia/statistics & numerical data , Infiltration-Percolation/adverse effects , Herniorrhaphy , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Anesthesia, Conduction/statistics & numerical data , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies